Breeder(s) OWNERS
DOB 27-Oct-2014
Grand Sire: CH EMRED DAREDEVIL (white)
Sire: CH EMRED DEVIL'S SPY (white)
Grand Sire BRITE YOUNG FIRE AT KILACABAR (red & white)
Dam: BLUEPOINT FIREBIRD (red & white)
Grand Dam: BLUEPOINT JUST LOVLEY (brindle & white)
2016 | MANCHESTER | CH | Ronnie IRVING | JB-2nd | A bitch with a very good head indeed and correct underjaw. Good ears well placed and correct eye. Could be a shade firmer in topline behind the withers at times, and didn't quite have the movement of 1. Good tail and tail set and correct bend of stifle |
2016 | YBTC | CH | Dominic CLARK | JB-1st | Strong winner, taking the class with a bit in hand. Very shapely and typy white with lovely well-balanced lines, a good strong feminine head with a correct mouth and good expression. Good reach of neck into well laid shoulders, correct topline and well angulated quarters, moving well both ways. RBCC |
2016 | CRUFTS | CH | Danny MCGREGOR | JB-1st | Quality white with black ear and head markings. Head is filled right up with sweeping profile. Straight front, but a little upright in shoulder. Mature in body and of good proportions with strong quarters. Moved fairly well but losses her topline on the move. Very well handled |
2016 | WEBTC | CH | Becky POOLE | JB-1st | An elegant white with an outstanding profile. Correct mouth. Nice length to her neck. Straight front and tight feet. Nice ribcage. Rear angulation is good. |
2016 | SECBTC | CH | Gary NEWBERRY | JB-1st | Absolutely beautiful white bitch with eye mark, the epitome of femininity and elegance. Her seamless flowing body lines catch the eye as soon as she enters the ring. She has a long, smooth, deep arcing profile with tiny eyes and a perfect mouth. A long reaching neck into nicely laid back shoulders, decent forechest, straight front and tight feet, just a fraction short in upper arm. Enough bone and substance for her type and the shortest of backs. Deep brisket, very well tucked up under the loin, nicely muscled second thigh and excellent bend of stifle. Moves well coming, a shade close behind. A picture standing, this gorgeous girl oozes feminine breed type and I was very pleased to award her BCC |
2016 | NAT TERRIER | CH | Steve WALKER | JB-1st | Quality ultra feminine white, good make and shape but slightly too much roach. Egg shaped head, with good eye and ear and perfect mouth giving keen expression. Slightly longer neck would give complete balance. Moved well and shown to perfection. RBCC |
2016 | THREE COUNTIES | CH | Bill BLACKER | OB-1st | Excellent white bitch, perfectly balanced in every way. Head wide, deep and well turned with a correct bite and well placed ears. Straight front with neat feet, deep body with level topline. Well muscled backend with correct tail set. Moved and showed outstanding. Great pleasure to award her BCC |
2016 | BLACKPOOL | CH | Vanesa HEARNE | OB-1st | Superb white bitch, with head markings, perfectly balanced in every way. Ultra feminine, stunning head with well placed ears, wicked expression. Straight front with neat feet, lovely reach of neck, well sprung rib cage, deep body with well muscled backend with correct tail set. Moved and showed very well it was with great pleasure to award her the crowning BCC |
2015 | BLACKPOOL | CH | Eric STANLEY | PB-1st | Very promising white, very good head, correct teeth, short back, very good front, strong quarters, tail high set. |
2015 | WINDSOR | CH | Mark PHILLIPS | PB-1st | Eye catching typy balanced white baby girl. Nicely filled head with sweeping profile. Wicked expression. Good mouth. Straight front with lovely reach of neck and shapely quarters. Moved freely. Still immature but a star of the future I'm sure. |
2015 | SBTC | CH | Joy PILKINGTON | PB-1st | White, beautiful profile with a wicked expression, correct mouth, good front, feet and bone, a little loose in body but should come together with maturity BP |
2015 | NPBTC | CH | Anna BLAIR | PB-1st | 9 months white with head markings, upstanding typy puppy who has a lovely filled and turned head, wicked expression and good mouth. Nice neck, well made throughout just needs to mature, moved well when settled. |
2015 | WKC | CH | Ronnie SCOTT | PB-1st | Quality young bitch, very feminine, beautiful head with sweeping profile, good eye and ear placement, lovely reach of neck, lovely straight front, good top line, good strong quarters which she used when moved, handled and presented well, promising future |
2015 | CITY BIRMINGHAM | CH | Andrew BRACE | PB-1st | 10 months white full of quality but also full of mischief, which always appeals to me in puppies. Medium size with classy head, typical yet feminine with wicked eye and perfect bite though she could have a little more finish of foreface. Already well filled forechest, quality bone, decent feet, very clean outline with strong yet elegant neck, superb angulation front and back and she is well ribbed. Could be a little truer up and down but in profile she looked a picture - when she actually settled. Tail carriage a little high |
2015 | DARLINGTON | CH | Penny SANDS | PB-1st | 9 month white baby with black ear and eye. Super arc to head, correct mouth, good body shape - very athletic for one so young, moved OK when she stopped bouncing around. One to watch for the future I feel. BP. |
2015 | DRIFFIELD | CH | Paul WILKINSON | PB-1st | White red brindle ears, nice head and eye, good profile on this bitch, good bite, strong underjaw, good body, moved soundly |
2015 | BTC | CH | Eddie BALL | PB-1st | 11 month old white girl, whom I just adore. Beautiful. She has a well turned head which has fill and finish, expression is excellent from well-placed eye and ears, mouth is correct, long flowing neck into well laid shoulder, straight front , tight feet, level topline, well angulated quarters. Moved with ease, parallel and with drive. Her lines flow and she looks a classy girl. She sometimes holds her tail a little gaily but not enough to detract from her flowing lines. I was really pleased to award her RBCC. Good luck. RBCC & BP |
2015 | SWKA | CH | Ronnie SCOTT | PB-1st | Quality balanced white with head markings, lovely head with turn and fill, correct mouth, wicked eye, nice neck shoulders top line and rear quarters, lovely jacket, ample bone, moved well both ways ,well handled and presented. BP |
2015 | MIDLAND COUNTIES | CH | Chris WRIGHT | PB-1st | White ear and eye markings. Very good profile with fill. Correct mouth, good eye, and well placed ears. Long neck, short back with slight roach. Straight front with strong quarters. Moved true both ways. Should make top honours. BP |
2015 | EABTC | CH | Ortlieb LOTHARY | NB-1st | Very elegant and typy white bitch. Nicely filled head with sweeping profile and fill. Good mouth. Straight front with real nice reach of neck and good topline. Moved with drive and showed all the time. Pressed hard for the ticket. RBCC |